Tony Jankiewicz


Tony brings 38 years of retail experience to his affiliation with Management One™.

Since graduating with a degree in Business Administration & Marketing, Tony has acquired broad-based industry experience and a proven track record of assisting businesses in inventory & cash flow management, strategic marketing, attaining superior sales growth, and long-term business development.

 Tony’s successful retail career started with major department store buying and merchandising.  He then opened his own wholesale apparel & footwear company representing some of the leading manufacturers in the industry. 

 Tony and his wife Sherree own and operate a women’s clothing, jewelry, accessories, and footwear specialty store that has been in business for 46 years.  The boutique is also a client of Management One™.  The merchandise planning with Retail ORBIT® has been a life changing event for them that has given them real peace of mind knowing that all they have to do is follow the plans and watch their business grow. 

 Tony lives the retail world every day just like you do.  He knows the challenges, the successes, and the pitfalls that you face in this new world of specialty store retailing.  

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Dan Jablons


Davis Johnson